Hi there.

Yes, I do many things.


They don’t seem to make sense at first glance.

It took me years to put into words what intuitively was my life path in dance:

I am looking to tell a story.

I love to do that with professional dancers, in a beautifully lit theater.

Or on mud ground with some kick-ass tribal girls.

And occasionally, I lend my storytelling skills (aka choreography or dance) skills to a director for his play, or a musician for his music video, or – yes, also to a CEO of some company to, let’s say, put on a show for his employees.

So follow me on this confusing journey that is life, and one of the most ancient and beautiful professions in the world: storytelling through dance.

Choreographic Captures Award

Choreographic Captures Award

My dance film entry "The Livin' Is Easy", conceived and shot in Mumbai India, won the Choreographic Captures Award. It will play in a variety of cinemas across Europe. If you are in Zurich's wonderful "Houdini" cinema, watch out for it!

«white paper white ink»

«white paper white ink»

"What do you expect to come out of my pocket Other than a white piece of paper? Yes, there are words on it But written in white ink." (Maryam S.)   "white paper white ink" is new work in development. It is based on the texts of a young Iranian women who has come...

Inspirations de Paris

Inspirations de Paris

PHILINTE: Il est bien des endroits, où la pleine franchise Deviendrait ridicule, et serait peu permise; Et, parfois, n’en déplaise à votre austère honneur, Il est bon de cacher ce qu’on a dans le cœur. Serait-il à propos, et de la bienséance, De dire à mille gens tout...

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© 2017